If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is impossible —  but just in case you managed to miss that lesson, January 2021 made it a point to really drive that message home. From the US Capitol getting stormed for the first time since 1812, to a second impeachment of You-Know-Who, to whatever is going on with GameStop and AMC — we here at AMP are much too attractive to understand the goings-on of the stock market — this past month has been a rollercoaster to process. Trying to navigate the political insanity going on in America all while navigating the personal insanity that is life during COVID-19 is taxing at best and near-impossible at worst. After 2020’s many… unique challenges, it’s easy to assume that 2021 will follow the same pattern and give up on trying to make the best of the year as it progresses. As tempting as the urge to roll over and leave yourself to the whims of the universe may be, this approach doesn’t do anything but make you feel miserable and powerless. Instead of focusing on what you can’t control, like worldwide pandemics or annoying professors, try to direct your attention to what’s in your power instead. By honing in on the factors of your life that you can control and influence, you grant yourself a sense of autonomy that makes the world seem a little less bleak. We know we’ve said it a million times, Comets, but hang in there. We will get through this.